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If you are already contributing in the field of Addiction Medicine, you are an excellent candidate for membership in the Academy. We are always looking for dynamic and enthusiastic professionals interested in supporting our mission.

We welcome professionals and students from a variety of backgrounds and offer the following memberships:

    • Physician Membership - Physicians of high moral and professional character with an active interest in addiction medicine.
    • PA/Nurse Membership - Physician Assistants and Nurses interested in addiction medicine.
    • Associate Membership - Individuals interested in, practicing, researching, or teaching addiction medicine who are not physicians.
    • Residents and Interns Membership - Individual who are enrolled in an approved GME accredited residency program.
    • Medical Students Membership - Individuals who are enrolled in an approved college of medicine.

Renewing Members

Not ready to join?

SUBSCRIBE AS A NON-MEMBER and gain access to registration on our education site
(Note, members of the Academy are eligible for no cost online CME and reduced registration fees. Consider membership!)

Complimentary CME:

  • ORN Hot Topics in Addiction Medicine  Webinars
  • MOUD Training

Let's get started.

(New and lapsed members begin by selecting your membership level)

The mission of the American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine is to improve the health of individuals and families burdened with the disease of addiction.

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