Congratulations to Victoria S. Thieme, DO and the UNECOM students, who came in third place in their Research Day poster submission "Supportive or Stigmatizing: Health Professional's Attitudes in Caring for Substance Users in Maine."
The poster will be on display in the AOAAM room at OMED in Philadelphia. Stop by say hello and see the work of our students!

We Need YOU to complete this survey
An estimated 25,000 to 30,000 Maine residents want treatment for Substance Use Disorders, but do not have access to it. Most states have similar statistics! We need your valuable insight in identifying some of the barriers to care that people with substance use disorder are currently experiencing. We, at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, seek to gather information about health care practitioners’ perspectives regarding patients on the substance use disorder spectrum to identify challenges, barriers, and opportunities to improve the care model for both healthcare professionals and patients.
Participation in this study is voluntary per our UNE IRB and involves a 10-minute online survey. After completing the online survey, we will reach out to you to schedule a phone or Skype interview that will take approximately 30 minutes. The follow-up interview will be recorded through our MP3 device, de-identified, and then transcribed for further analysis.
Thank you in advance for your time! For your participation in this survey and follow up interview, you will be entered in a drawing for one of five $50 Amazon gift cards.
Click on this site: take the survey and provide us with your phone number or good email so that we can follow up with the phone interview.