In a video presentation released with the NSDUH report, Elinore F. McCance-Katz, MD, PhD, Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, highlighted the State Targeted Response Technical Assistance grant. Dr. McCance-Katz says the Opioid Response Network "puts teams in every state to address the needs of that state as it relates to opioid issues." She underscored that the "program has had over 1,000 requests already and those requests have all been met to meet the needs of Americans living with opioid issues."
Highlights include:
19.3 million Americans report a substance use disorder. Among those with substance use disorders, 7.4 million struggle with illicit drugs.
Positive findings when looking specifically at opioids. In 2018 there were 10.3 million opioid misusers. This is down from 11.4 million in 2017. Declines reported for both prescription pain reliever misuse and heroin use.
Where misuse of prescription opioid subtypes is concerned, buprenorphine and methadone see the highest rate of misuse. Dr. McCance-Katz says this "speaks to the need to continue to educate on safe and effective use of these medications."
The NSDUH report helps to guide policy directions and decision-making about what types of resources are needed and where resources should be directed. For example, NSDUH's 2016-17 report found that SAMHSA efforts only provided technical assistance to grantees, and the number of grantees was low compared to the number of practitioners, community members and others who need access to information. So, SAMHSA expanded training and technical assistance nationally.
How is SAMHSA responding to the 2018 report? Dr. McCance-Katz says SAMHSA will continue to support states' prevention, treatment and recovery efforts through STR grants, SOR grants, TOR grants and others.
Read other news in the ORN Bulletin.